December 11, 2023

After a slow start to the season we are looking to crack the doors this week! SBR’s first day will be Thursday December 14, 2023.

We have had significant snow over the past weekend and do expect more this week. That said, it is still early season conditions and you should certainly ride smart and ride safe. Those big lumps of very tempting to ride through snow might still have a big ol’ rock or tree stump rolled up inside.

Things are looking good for getting out and having a look around and we are excited to get going with our season.

Fingers crossed for another big drop this week!


Season Starting?

I write while listening to cabin shaking roofalanches which always means…Snow!

We have had a solid run the past few days and things are rapidly improving. SBR board will be in discussions this week regarding opening up for the season. Hopefully really soon!

As always we will do our best to keep the site updated as decisions are made.

Don’t forget to follow our Instagram and/or Facebook (#sledblueriverbc) accounts for updates, contests, and SBR gear!

Huge thank you to the team at Glacier Mountain Lodge. Each year they play a big part of our operations by both sponsoring the club but also functioning as a bit of a head office for us. Thank you so much!

SBRglacier mountain lodge

October 12, 2023

April 28, 2023

Well, it was an interesting year in Blue River. Tough times to start with all the logging and lower snow levels but the season really turned around and folks are still getting out riding!

We are working to set up improved communications with the logging industry in our area with the goal of not having so many disruptions happening at one time. We recognize that logging will continue and as we use the Forest Service Roads for access disruptions will be part of our business. However, with improved communication we are hoping the impact will be reduced and manageable.

A special thank you to all our sponsors this season. Your support is always appreciated and allows us to continue to grow and improve our operations and experience for the ridership.


The 50/50 winner has been drawn. I do apologize for the delay. Thank you for the the support and congratulations to Patrick from Clearwater. A cool $1147.50 is coming your way!

March 26, 2023

Due to increased logging activities Red Sands will be closed for the remainder of the season.

March 16, 2023

Groundhog East and West groomed.


March 16, 2023

Salmon has been groomed.


March 16, 2023

Coulees has been groomed.


March 10, 2023

Groundhog East and West have been groomed.


March 10, 2023

Salmon has been groomed.