Pow to the People

Riding pow shouldn’t be just for the Rich and Famous, Heli Skiers and Pros.  It’s been said that the snowmobile is the poor man’s helicopter.  With the unbelievable advancements in sled technology, riding pow on a regular basis is becoming more accessible to the common shred.

However the learning curve is steep, and variables many, to make it all come together.

This site is a result of the many years of learning by trial and error of the perils and glory of sled access riding.  We want more people to share the life changing experiences we’ve had as a result of this new sport.  Hopefully you can learn from our mistakes and maximize your riding time..

Whether you’re thinking about getting your first sled, or are a seasoned sled shredder.  We want to hear from you!  Share your experiences, good and bad, on our Facebook page or Instagram.

Gettin’ After It

sled boardingMost will agree that nothing beats shreddin’ deep pow, run after glorious run.  But sooner or later you will start to get curious about what is around the next corner.  This is the golden age of Sled Shredding.  New sled technology combined with tools such as Google Earth are opening up the backcountry in ways never imagined.  To be the first to pioneer a new run is a cool feeling.  Finding new zones that you never could even of imagined is pure magic.  There is so much out there to be discovered.  Find some new zones in your area.

Where to start?

Like resort riders, the majority of sledshreds tend to go to the popular mapped out zones they are comfortable with.  And there is no shame in this.  Knowing the tandem line, knowing the runs can maximize your fun when time is limited.  Searching out new zones can be a lot of work with no pay off at times.  But this is the price of glory when it all comes together and you find that new zone that blows your mind.

So you’re ready for adventure, where do you start?  In the old days we used to just drive down logging roads and see where they went.  Things have changed, now with the help of Google earth, Backcountry road maps book, Heli Ski operator websites and improved sled skills our odds of success have gone way up.


  • Learn your area.  What elevations are the best snow conditions usually found?  What altitude is treeline? alpine? glaciers?  What aspects hold the best snow?  Is a particular valley more wind scoured than the next?
  • Where do the logging roads go?  Do they get close to the potential riding zones?
  • What aspects and elevations do the local Heli/Cat operators frequent during different conditions?   Many will post the previous days runs skied.  Many also have maps of there most common runs on there websites.  This a great starting point.
  • Some of our friends have used quads in the summer to scout out new zones.  Others have taken plane/heli rides to see if zones can be accessed.
  • Having a good quiver of zones that work in different conditions is essential to making each day good.
  • Know where closures are and aren’t.
  • Watch the Whatup section for Adventure sledding examples.
  • PRACTICE YOUR SLEDDING – nothing limits you more than your sled skills.
  • Girlfriends don’t like being cold and stuck.