

Quick Info:

Last Groomed:

GREEN: Last 1-3 days.
YELLOW: Last 4-8 days.
RED: Last 9+ days.
BLACK: Not Groomed.

Area Overview

At 35 km’s, the access trail for the Coulees is the longest in the Sled Blue River portfolio. The trail itself has number of view points along the way and can make for a great trail riding day for the family. At the end of the groomed trail there is approximately 1 km of single track trail to access the riding zone. This is traditionally set by the first crew to visit Coulees and so varies somewhat from year to year.

Coulees offers tree riding for the adventurer as well as many hidden meadows when you want to open it up. If you venture to the sub-alpine you will be rewarded with memorable views overlooking Wells Gray Park and Murtle Lake.

Coulees is located in the Cariboos mountain range. Please check the Avalanche Canada Safety Report (Cariboos) before you begin your day


It is unlikely that we will groom Coulees in the 2024-2025 season. As you know we have started our own in house grooming program and the Board of Directors has decided it is prudent for our team to focus on our main areas.

In addition the start of the season was delayed due to low valley coverage and an early season wet heavy storm that resulted in a substantial number of downed trees. As a result we have not been able to tackle the lengthy Coulees trail.

Wildlife Closures

The zone is bordered by Mountain Caribou habitat and Well’s Gray Provincial Park. Please ensure you know where you are riding and stay within the defined zone. If Caribou are spotted do not approach the animals. Please shut down your machine and give them time to move out of your immediate area. Information can be reported to

Buy 50/50 raffle tickets or TOBE tickets at your next trail booth stop!