

Quick Info:

Last Groomed:

GREEN: Last 1-3 days.
YELLOW: Last 4-8 days.
RED: Last 9+ days.
BLACK: Not Groomed.

Area Overview

Paradise has some of the most complex riding in the North Blue Valley. To access the zone a rider will need to navigate an Avalanche run-out zone, with a steep side hill, deep snow, and terrain traps. This is another zone that is best left for very experienced riders. Due to the access and location it is recommended to only attempt this one during low avalanche conditions and clear sunny days. Besides, we all want to be safe and why go the alpine if you can’t see the incredible views it has to offer?

Paradise is located in the Cariboos mountain range. Please check the Avalanche Canada Cariboos Avalanche Safety Report before you begin your day.

“Once you are in this zone, it is like no other. Incredible riding and the the views are mind boggling".
Andy Boughton
Sled Blue River


The trail system is groomed as snow coverage and weather permit.

Wildlife Closures

There are a number of closures for Caribou, Section 58’s and Well’s Gray Park in the valley.

Please know where you are riding and stay within the riding zones.

Buy 50/50 raffle tickets or TOBE tickets at your next trail booth stop!